Reliable multicast of dynamic content streams from AMQP to NORM protocol-based systems
Reliable multicast of dynamic content streams from AMQP to NORM protocol-based systems
The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) based messaging has revolutionized the integration domain enabling messaging pipelines among non-compatible distributed systems. Using AMQP, the encoded binary messages get transported among compliant processes via the AMQP broker, router, and client systems. Besides, the reliable multicast has transformed the data transmission for simultaneous recipients over the generic IP multicast framework. In particular, the Negative ACKnowledgment (NACK) Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM) transport protocol has enabled end-to-end transport of bulk data with greater efficiency using forward error correction and selective NACK in reliable data transmission. However, it is yet to be seen how the messaging capabilities of AMQP combine with that of reliable multicast and, in particular - with the one using negative acknowledgment. So far, there is no work or study available on the integrated messaging from AMQP compliant systems to NACK-based reliable multicast protocol systems. This novel study outlines a mechanism for streaming dynamic contents from AMQP compliant systems to NORM multicast sender to a group of recipients over an IP-based network. We implement forward communication from AMQP client/broker to NORM sender/receiver systems. And then evaluate specific metrics for the messaging data transported using a network protocol analyzer. Integrating AMQP messaging with NACK-based reliable multicast opens opportunities for reliable messaging of dynamically produced content from diverse sources to simultaneous recipients over heterogeneous IP-based networks and topologies with extended efficiency and accuracy.